Webber, Still talk election alterations

The election season is over, but three newly-elected Democratic representatives whose districts en-compass Columbia want to make changes for the next cycle.

Reps.-elect Mary Still, Chris Kelly and Stephen Webber — who are all Democrats from Columbia — are advocating several alterations to the election process in the state. One particular change would allow for early voting, a process available in nearly 30 states that allow individuals to cast a ballot before Election Day.

In addition to early voting, the three incoming representatives called for automated phone calls — popularly known as “robo calls” — to be placed on the state’s “No Call List.” They also pressed for limits on individual campaign contributions to be reinstated:

Still and Webber took questions after their statement on the matter:

About jrosenbaum
Jason Rosenbaum

8 Responses to Webber, Still talk election alterations

  1. Young & Strong says:

    these ideas are great. i only wish instead of limiting individual contributions, the state reps would mandate public financing of campaigns.

    Regardless, Stephen Webber is hitting the ground running as the youngest rep. from Columbia. I’m sure we will hear his name in leadership soon.

    however, when this happens, i am sure he will live up to expectations. unlike jeff smith, if stephen was chair of the sdcc in a year like ’08, he would pick up seats in the senate instead of losing three.

  2. Young & Strong says:

    these ideas are great. i only wish instead of limiting individual contributions, the state reps would mandate public financing of campaigns.

    Regardless, Stephen Webber is hitting the ground running as the youngest rep. from Columbia. I’m sure we will hear his name in leadership soon.

    however, when this happens, i am sure he will live up to expectations. unlike jeff smith, if stephen was chair of the sdcc in a year like ’08, he would pick up seats in the senate instead of losing three.

  3. Young & Strong says:

    these ideas are great. i only wish instead of limiting individual contributions, the state reps would mandate public financing of campaigns.

    Regardless, Stephen Webber is hitting the ground running as the youngest rep. from Columbia. I’m sure we will hear his name in leadership soon.

    however, when this happens, i am sure he will live up to expectations. unlike jeff smith, if stephen was chair of the sdcc in a year like ’08, he would pick up seats in the senate instead of losing three.

  4. Local Democrat says:

    I absolutely agree with the last statement. Webber will be a great leader in the House and someone who will get things done. I think he will have an immediate impact on the Missouri Legislature. It helps that he has two great fellow legistlators from the area joining him. Still and Kelly are great additions to the Missouri House and I think they will do great things as well. I think their keen understanding of the University affects this community and the state will lead to greater funding (fingers crossed).

    I certainly see Webber being the go to guy when it comes to the elections in 2010…I mean, the guy ran one of the best campaigns I have ever seen this past election cycle. He raised more money than any other House candidate and he received nearly every endorsement available. The guy is the future of the party.

  5. Local Democrat says:

    I absolutely agree with the last statement. Webber will be a great leader in the House and someone who will get things done. I think he will have an immediate impact on the Missouri Legislature. It helps that he has two great fellow legistlators from the area joining him. Still and Kelly are great additions to the Missouri House and I think they will do great things as well. I think their keen understanding of the University affects this community and the state will lead to greater funding (fingers crossed).

    I certainly see Webber being the go to guy when it comes to the elections in 2010…I mean, the guy ran one of the best campaigns I have ever seen this past election cycle. He raised more money than any other House candidate and he received nearly every endorsement available. The guy is the future of the party.

  6. Charles says:

    Do you really think either of these two will even be able to get a single bill to the floor?

    Not a chance.

  7. Ed says:

    You think Republicans will get their agenda past the governor, not a chance

  8. Roll says:

    It’s rare for newly elected members of either party to get legislation to the floor, much less passed. It’s a problem every freshman legislator faces. It’s not because of lack of competence or ability, just a matter of seniority and instituational barriers.

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