Adjust the aperture to focus on the negative


When he was running for governor last year, Attorney General Jay Nixon promised that one of his first acts would be introducing a supplemental budget package changing the eligibility levels of the state’s Medicaid program to 100 percent of the federal poverty level.

“I’m not going to take any sort of criticism or yammering from anybody who voted to cut these people’s opportunities for their life,” Nixon said at an event in Columbia.

In truth, Nixon’s promise was always a long shot. Even last year, most observers predicted that Republicans would control the General Assembly. It seemed doubtful that the GOP was going to reverse course from changes they made to the Medicaid system years ago. Such predictions came true last Tuesday when the Republicans held on to control of both General Assembly chambers.

But as David Lieb of the Associated Press reported, Nixon’s pledge to restore Medicaid to pre-2005 levels may not be possible under a tight budget:

Nixon said he hasn’t had an opportunity yet to study the state’s finances. One of the first acts of his transition team will be to select a budgetary adviser. But less than a week after his lopsided election, Nixon has tempered his campaign promises with a dose of fiscal reality.

“We will attempt to implement those priorities at whatever level is affordable within the confines of the dollars we have,” Nixon said during a Friday news conference announcing his transition team leaders.

Missouri began its 2009 fiscal year in July with an operating fund balance of $833 million — the largest amount on record dating back 20 years. At the time, Missouri was projected to end the fiscal year with a $340 million balance.

But last Thursday, the Office of Administration said “that estimate will not hold up,” and the ending balance now is projected to be “substantially less than that.”

Instead of the 3.1 percent revenue growth assumed by the state budget, Missouri’s net revenue was down 1.1 percent through the first trimester of its fiscal year.

That raises the question of whether Nixon might have to make budget cuts shortly after taking office Jan. 12.

House Budget Committee chairman Allen Icet said he hopes that can be avoided. But if state revenue continues to worsen over the next eight months, it might be necessary for the governor to withhold some of the money appropriated to state agencies and programs, Icet said.

Reps.-elect Mary Still, D-Columbia, and Stephen Webber, D-Columbia, were asked about the looming budget situation and whether it would doom proposals to reinstate the Medicaid cuts. The two also discussed their potential roles in the new General Assembly:

About jrosenbaum
Jason Rosenbaum

25 Responses to Adjust the aperture to focus on the negative

  1. Help! says:

    i think that Jay Nixon may be listening to that old Beatles song “Help!”

    if only he had some help from Jeff Smith to gain seats in the Senate he could do a little more to better Missouri.

  2. Help! says:

    i think that Jay Nixon may be listening to that old Beatles song “Help!”

    if only he had some help from Jeff Smith to gain seats in the Senate he could do a little more to better Missouri.

  3. Morkin says:

    Naive little Webber. While yes, federal matching funds will bring more into Missouri, that money still comes from our pockets! Did they not teach you that? Even though they are federal funds, we still pay federal taxes, so it’s not a net gain.

    Also, I agree with Charles, Columbia will have no representation, because no one in the house will want to listen to these jokers. We have hope with our new Senator, but these three are ridiculous. And if anyone thinks that we can restore medicaid to 100%, your absolutley brain-dead.

  4. Ed says:


    Webber is definitely not naive. He can smoke most of those republican reps in Jeff City, especially the one that Fulton voted for (20th). You know, Riddle, the one that came into a debate and read in a very monotone cadence her pre-prepared answers and never let her eyes off the page. I swear the 20th would vote Republican even if the candidate was a soda can.
    As for matching funds, I rather receive some of that federal money back, then be a donor state. This state needs to get its head out into the sunshine and start living in reality.
    There are many republicans that aren’t mean ideologues like Charles and Morkin and will work with the new Governor.
    If Republicans want to push their agenda, guess what, it has to get past a Democratic governor. So if these republican jokers in the general assembly want to pass anything into law, they are going to after to override vetoes, which is very unlikely in many circumstances.

  5. Ed says:


    Webber is definitely not naive. He can smoke most of those republican reps in Jeff City, especially the one that Fulton voted for (20th). You know, Riddle, the one that came into a debate and read in a very monotone cadence her pre-prepared answers and never let her eyes off the page. I swear the 20th would vote Republican even if the candidate was a soda can.
    As for matching funds, I rather receive some of that federal money back, then be a donor state. This state needs to get its head out into the sunshine and start living in reality.
    There are many republicans that aren’t mean ideologues like Charles and Morkin and will work with the new Governor.
    If Republicans want to push their agenda, guess what, it has to get past a Democratic governor. So if these republican jokers in the general assembly want to pass anything into law, they are going to after to override vetoes, which is very unlikely in many circumstances.

  6. Nixon’s early broken promise follows the lead of Bill Clinton after his election in 1992. Clinton (like Obama) had campaigned on a promise of a middle-class tax cut, but shortly after the election, Clinton announced that he wouldn’t be able to do so because the economy was so much worse than he had thought (even though his campaign had said the economy was in a recession, while later released numbers indicated that there was no recession then after all).

    Yogi’s overused words: It’s deja vue all over again.

  7. Nixon’s early broken promise follows the lead of Bill Clinton after his election in 1992. Clinton (like Obama) had campaigned on a promise of a middle-class tax cut, but shortly after the election, Clinton announced that he wouldn’t be able to do so because the economy was so much worse than he had thought (even though his campaign had said the economy was in a recession, while later released numbers indicated that there was no recession then after all).

    Yogi’s overused words: It’s deja vue all over again.

  8. MP says:

    We pay federal taxes no matter what. So I guess the question is whether you would like it to come back to Missouri or be spend somewhere else. You can complain about Clinton all you want, but when he left the economy was in half way decent shape. Obama will get re-elected in 2012 because of the economy. It’s a safe bet that it will be much better than it is now (can’t see how it can be worse).

    If you’re complaining about our new state representatives, then why didn’t you find anyone that would run a campaign against them?

    Schaefer… the next great hope. ha!

  9. MP says:

    We pay federal taxes no matter what. So I guess the question is whether you would like it to come back to Missouri or be spend somewhere else. You can complain about Clinton all you want, but when he left the economy was in half way decent shape. Obama will get re-elected in 2012 because of the economy. It’s a safe bet that it will be much better than it is now (can’t see how it can be worse).

    If you’re complaining about our new state representatives, then why didn’t you find anyone that would run a campaign against them?

    Schaefer… the next great hope. ha!

  10. BP says:

    It was a myth put out by the Republicans that the budget was in good shape. Insiders know that there was a huge bomb set for anyone who wins the Missouri governorship. Because of the continued erosion of the Missouri tax base, it is projected by the Missouri budget project that Missouri will have a $500 million shortfall by 2010. That is without a major recession. After the Medicaid cuts, the legislature gave out a wide range of tax credits and tax cuts that are being phased in. Furthermore, the average family is paying $2000 more in health care premiums because in some part they are paying for the uninsured people that were on Medicaid.

    Jay Nixon has inherited some huge problems created by the previous administration and legislature. Kenny Hulshof may be counting his blessings that he lost.

  11. Local Democrat says:

    Charles/Morkin –

    It will only be few more months until you slip into your guise as JasonB, the “elusive and ever present legislative insider” who is opposed to all things Democrat.

    Your criticisms of Webber harken back to the same criticisms in 2002 of Jeff Harris when he was labeled as young, naive, and wet behind the ears. Can you come up with something new, or does the Republican playbook always mandate a pass in these types of situations? Instead of making the logical error of tying one’s age can to one’s naïvety, perhaps you should look to the facts provided.
    The man you criticize as “young and naive” is also among a class of citizens that is being recognized today as being “honorable and worthy of praise.” You should recall that is was, in fact, a much younger Webber that was entrusted with the leadership of other men during the fight for Fallujah. The experience he garnered and the judgement he used in those circumstances will undoubtedly be applied to his work in the legislature.
    The only thing I need to know from his critics is where to send the crow pie when he exceeds all expectations.

    I, for one, believe that the three legislators from the Columbia area will be quite successful. They are easily some of the most intelligent, experienced, and capable people we could be sending to Jefferson City. Schafer on the other hand is a “one and done” Senator. I doubt his accomplishments in four years match what each of the three house rep’s you criticize will do individually in two years.

  12. Local Democrat says:

    Charles/Morkin –

    It will only be few more months until you slip into your guise as JasonB, the “elusive and ever present legislative insider” who is opposed to all things Democrat.

    Your criticisms of Webber harken back to the same criticisms in 2002 of Jeff Harris when he was labeled as young, naive, and wet behind the ears. Can you come up with something new, or does the Republican playbook always mandate a pass in these types of situations? Instead of making the logical error of tying one’s age can to one’s naïvety, perhaps you should look to the facts provided.
    The man you criticize as “young and naive” is also among a class of citizens that is being recognized today as being “honorable and worthy of praise.” You should recall that is was, in fact, a much younger Webber that was entrusted with the leadership of other men during the fight for Fallujah. The experience he garnered and the judgement he used in those circumstances will undoubtedly be applied to his work in the legislature.
    The only thing I need to know from his critics is where to send the crow pie when he exceeds all expectations.

    I, for one, believe that the three legislators from the Columbia area will be quite successful. They are easily some of the most intelligent, experienced, and capable people we could be sending to Jefferson City. Schafer on the other hand is a “one and done” Senator. I doubt his accomplishments in four years match what each of the three house rep’s you criticize will do individually in two years.

  13. Morkin says:

    I never criticized Webbers service to our country. Webber is undoubtedly a hero, and for that, I thank him. I do think he is overambitious and is not thinking clearly on restoring medicaid cuts. It’s not going to happen.

    As for Jeff Harris, lets talk about that. In 4 years, what has Jeff Harris done? He rose to the rank of minority leader, before being humiliated in a third place showing in the attorney’s general primary. Yes, that is something to aspire to.

  14. Morkin says:

    I never criticized Webbers service to our country. Webber is undoubtedly a hero, and for that, I thank him. I do think he is overambitious and is not thinking clearly on restoring medicaid cuts. It’s not going to happen.

    As for Jeff Harris, lets talk about that. In 4 years, what has Jeff Harris done? He rose to the rank of minority leader, before being humiliated in a third place showing in the attorney’s general primary. Yes, that is something to aspire to.

  15. Charles says:

    Local Democrat

    You clearly have no clue how Jeff City works.

  16. Local Democrat says:


    Nice response. I forgot that my arguments needed to be dumbed down in order to resonate with the Republicans that blog on here. What should I say back? I am rubber, you are glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.


    The point about Jeff Harris couldn’t have been clearer. A number of people said he was too wet behind the ears to be in the Legislature, yet he rose to being of the most effective and skilled minority leaders in recent history. His loss in the AG race has no bearing on my argument that another young individual from the 23rd is going to have the same or similar success in the House.

    From the your combined statements, it is obvious that you two (or one) lack the capacity to make reasoned arguments. Instead, you resort to dismissive, ad hominen attacks that represent what is wrong with politics. I guess grasping at straws is the appropriate response when one’s party is in shambles.

    Another point: Missouri can continue to sit on its thumbs and allow other states to use “our money” that we pay in federal taxes to provide people in their states with affordable health insurance, or we can actually use “our own money” that we pay in federal taxes to provide health insurance for deserving people that reside within our state. What is naive about wanting to do that? Sounds pretty sensible to me. I guess I am missing something….maybe I am too naive and lacking in a proper understanding of how Jefferson City works.

    The money is there, other states are using it. Seems fairly sensible for us to use it as well.

  17. Local Democrat says:


    Nice response. I forgot that my arguments needed to be dumbed down in order to resonate with the Republicans that blog on here. What should I say back? I am rubber, you are glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.


    The point about Jeff Harris couldn’t have been clearer. A number of people said he was too wet behind the ears to be in the Legislature, yet he rose to being of the most effective and skilled minority leaders in recent history. His loss in the AG race has no bearing on my argument that another young individual from the 23rd is going to have the same or similar success in the House.

    From the your combined statements, it is obvious that you two (or one) lack the capacity to make reasoned arguments. Instead, you resort to dismissive, ad hominen attacks that represent what is wrong with politics. I guess grasping at straws is the appropriate response when one’s party is in shambles.

    Another point: Missouri can continue to sit on its thumbs and allow other states to use “our money” that we pay in federal taxes to provide people in their states with affordable health insurance, or we can actually use “our own money” that we pay in federal taxes to provide health insurance for deserving people that reside within our state. What is naive about wanting to do that? Sounds pretty sensible to me. I guess I am missing something….maybe I am too naive and lacking in a proper understanding of how Jefferson City works.

    The money is there, other states are using it. Seems fairly sensible for us to use it as well.

  18. RME says:

    Local Democrat-

    I think you fail to understand that the GOP is in control of both the House and Senate. With that in mind, there is no way the democrats you worship will accomplish more than Schaefer. Hell beating Chuck Graham is the greatest thing anything person could ever do so good luck topping that.

  19. RME says:

    Local Democrat-

    I think you fail to understand that the GOP is in control of both the House and Senate. With that in mind, there is no way the democrats you worship will accomplish more than Schaefer. Hell beating Chuck Graham is the greatest thing anything person could ever do so good luck topping that.

  20. jasonB says:

    First – I am honored Local D to be acknolwedged as a knowledgeable person. Whether Charles and Morkin are likewise honored to be accused of being me is up to them.

    You are totally misguided. Jeff Harris did not acccomplish anything noteworthy – proving his naivette’ and do nothing except politics prowess.

    I guarantee you today that Shaeffer will have more accomplishments in his first two years than any of the three reps you so highly admire. Should he decide to run for re-election – barring a miraclus Betty Ford experience for Chuck – he will easily have a record of accomplishment – something Harris and your three Amigos did not and will not have.

  21. jasonB says:

    First – I am honored Local D to be acknolwedged as a knowledgeable person. Whether Charles and Morkin are likewise honored to be accused of being me is up to them.

    You are totally misguided. Jeff Harris did not acccomplish anything noteworthy – proving his naivette’ and do nothing except politics prowess.

    I guarantee you today that Shaeffer will have more accomplishments in his first two years than any of the three reps you so highly admire. Should he decide to run for re-election – barring a miraclus Betty Ford experience for Chuck – he will easily have a record of accomplishment – something Harris and your three Amigos did not and will not have.

  22. Local Democrat says:


    I never said you were knowledgeable, far from it. Also, if Jeff Harris saved someone from a fire, you would critique his rescue saving efforts. I figured that you would drop the Charles/Morkin postings once we got close to session. Can’t wait to see your pro-Republican postings all session long. Did you find good work after your boy Jetton left?

  23. Local Democrat says:


    I never said you were knowledgeable, far from it. Also, if Jeff Harris saved someone from a fire, you would critique his rescue saving efforts. I figured that you would drop the Charles/Morkin postings once we got close to session. Can’t wait to see your pro-Republican postings all session long. Did you find good work after your boy Jetton left?

  24. MJ says:

    Does anyone realize that Graham lost because Democrats didn’t vote for him. They didn’t vote for him and they also didn’t vote for Schaefer, meaning they left a blank selection. Get someone that Democrats are reasonably excited about and Schaefer loses, like he will in four years. Any of the local reps would fulfill this requirement. The Democrats lost this seat, not the Republicans won it. Anyone with an outside perspective won’t expect Columbia, MO and the district it is in to remain in Republican hands for long, not because they’re naive, but realistic.

    There is a Democratic Governor in control of the state, do you fail to understand that in claiming Schaefer will amazingly accomplish so much?

  25. jasonB says:

    LocalD – you did too na na na

    It is true I would first want to check out if Harris started the fire or had it started – given his modus operandi it is possible. After confirming he didn’t – I would probably be willing to give him some credit depending on how much he hogged the news coverage.

    Thank you for your concern about my employment situation. You would be glad to know that I was fully employed before Jetton ever arrived on the scene and remain so now that he is gone.

    I would suggest that you get some counseling. It is apparent that you are unable to accept that fact that many people do not agree with you. Rather than accept that fact – you withdraw and start seeing ghosts and hearing voices thinking they are all the same person. They are not.

    MU – There is a lot of truth in your assertion of why Graham lost. Schaeffer’s ability to keep the seat is not dependent on that reason when 4 years comes around. Schaeffer will get things in bills signed by a democrat governor. It’s the nature of the process.

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